Sunday 21 September 2014

module 8 activity 10

this was really interesting..I've heard about having the ability to learn in the comfort of your home. i believe in the initial stages it might seem hectic and over whelming but with practice things would flow quite smoothly. this can be a very good initiative for students who might be physically disabled.

module 8 activity 9

most of the time social networks has been rigged with negative comments but these sites used to enhance teaching and learning. I've realized that social networks can provide an interface for students,teachers and parents to conference. through the use of these sites as medium for  teacher to share homework,assignments and even provide an interface to clarify information.

module 8 activity 7

when I first read the title of the activity..Ithought are there merits to using a tablet as an ict tool. But after engaging in this activity I gained a wealth of knowledge as to how tablets can be used as an educationaltook rather than a membemenace anda barrier of communication.. tablets can be used to create presentations can also be used in conjunction with a projector. the tablet would also give students the advantage of creating documents as well as, using educational apps which are at their disposal. these tools indeed has countless benefits that students,teachersand parentscan use.

module 8 activity 6

one on one learning in this activity has really explored the many options.  I was able to gain insight of the different strategies that can be utilized to promote and enhance one on one learning inthe classroom. I've realized that with this type of ict learning integration the teacher would have to try to maintain a good level of communication amongst the learners. It is critical that teacher provides students with a level of feedback from time to time.

module 8 activity 5

This activity was very informative. I have heard about the use of interactive whiteboards but I didn't realize the endless benefits. the interactive whiteboard can provide many classroom activities that would actively engage students as well capture and gain there attention. oneactivity that I've read about which can really assist students in improving there writing skills through the use ofdigital story telling. thesad thing is that due to the cost of an interactive white board only about 5 schools in my country has the exposure to its infinite wonders.

module8 activity 4

after reading about the one laptop per classroom,I find it to be viable our Caribbean classroom. at first I thought that it would be some what impossible to conduct but now I realize that there are benefitswhichcan be derived..No form of ict integration comes with mainly benefits,in reality there are always some hiccups which may occur from time to time so it's important that the creation of a schedule to help monitor the use of the computer by individual students.

module 8 activity 3

Though some may advocate for the use of one computer for a classroom...I really enjoyed the information put forward for having a computer lab instead. One reason believe that i gravitated to this topic was because of my exposure to being taught in a computer lab. The main thing i like about teaching students is that each child is given equal opportunity to access information. students would be be able work on an activity without fear of being picked on by peers. With the work down in a lab it is somewhat easier to track what students are doing. this can be done remotely or by manual monitoring.

Module 8 activity 2ICT-Enabled Classroom

This activity made it quite clear as to the importance of integrating technology with in the classroom. Yes we have to consider the traditional methods of teaching but we now exist in a technology so it is wise to provide our students with resources to enhance their learning. indeed there is an open gateway to resources but to ensure that learning takes place proper and effective plan is vitally important. If there isn't proper planning then that could lead to misbehaviours in the classroom