Monday 9 December 2013

mod 4 activity 6-7

These activities were rather time consuming but the previous activity laid the foundation for the activity to follow.

Module 4 activity 5

this activity was rather enlightening because from time to time as a teacher i would search the internet for various rubrics and checklists to use as a form of classroom. By formulating a our own checklists and rubrics to check the validity and authenticity of the assessments tools which we use on a regular basis. By doing so it felt good being able to devise an acceptable standard which can be followed. by taking some 
 When doing so, consider to whom the assessment tool is directed. Is it personal and informative. Consider the amount of detail provided in the criteria. Is it sufficient to provide constructive advice for improving a skill? How would you improve each assessment tool so that it fulfills your requirements for a good assessment tool?

Module 4 activity 4

This activity was fairly good and simple to produce

Module 4 activity 3 -

At the end of this activity I had a slightly different perspective which regards to students interaction and learning in the classroom. I became more aware of students strengths and weaknesses in the classroom arena which in turn lent itself the opportunity for differentiated teaching as well as, different assessment forms. also This would promote and encourage students work in groups and to take advantage of the strengths of the team members in order to produce the best possible results.

Module 4 activity 2

 the activity which was based on Assessment of one classroom practices really showed me the many ways in which assessment of students learning can be capitalized. some of which are as follows: we can assess:
-cooperative skills
-ability to analyze and explain information to their peers
-use of technology
-oral comprehension skills
This really made me realize that the meer paper and pencil test which teachers are accustomed to can limited students fields of excelling.

Friday 1 November 2013

Module 4 activity one

This activity was very enlightening.  This activity really allowed me to do an aspect of self assessment and reflection on my teaching strategies and assessment methods. At the end the students questionnaires did reflect the poor use of assessment in my classroom.Based on the rating scale i fell between -13 to 4 bracket which states that my assessment strategies are similar on a daily basis.

 it feels like im way too traditional so i have to start thinking about my strategies and how to implement new ones. i look forward to good things in this module that would improve my teaching and learning.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Activty 11

Previously i honestly thought that twitter and facebook were mainly for social interaction on a small plain. I never imagine it to be a gateway where meaning activities can take place. So the creation of my PLN would assist me in delivering meaningful information to my colleagues.


this activity shed some light as to how teachers can use ICT and use it effectively without becoming a slave to it.

Activity 9

the activity reminder me of the importance of checking the validity of the websites which we access from time to time in order to fulfill our obligations as a learning mediator. Yes from time to time i would compare the information retrieved from one site to another but to be provided with the specific would help over time in the analysis of information which is accessible thought the internet.

Reflection: Module 3 Activity 2

This activity was rather good. Majority of the students were able to complete the constructed test. Some students encountered difficulty in remembering some of the experiments that were conducted in order effectively complete that section of the test.

Activity 8: Integrating spreadsheets with learning

This activity was very exciting for my students and I. the students participation was very good.It was a rare occasion where students actually participated in a group activity with little to no murmur. The integration of spreadsheets in an actual lesson was a bit uneasy at first since students were not that familiar with spreadsheet. in the end it turn out good. I must say spreadsheets could be used in the near future to highlight an activity of this nature.

Activity 7: Spreadsheets as a learning resource

This particular activity was time consuming in terms of the amount of reading required. at the end of the activity it made me more aware of the manager in which i conduct my classroom activities. It opened my eyes to the reality of what happens in the classroom where us as teacher are sometimes getting the task done rather than ensuring student understanding of the concept being taught.It exposed me to the ways in which we can link students previous knowledge to a present situation in order in infer the information presented.

Activity 4: Spreadsheets for administrative purposes

This particular was fairly easy and not time consuming since i am accustomed to using it to keep record of students assessment. I enjoy using excel because it allows for the uniformity and organization of information and it also promotes efficiency and effectiveness in the classroom.

Monday 10 June 2013

Activity 3-INTEGRATING the word processor

This activity really amazed me as to how i can integrate a word processor in the teaching and learning process where students would be given the opportunity explore and use aspect of the word processor. Normally a word processor is used mainly in the administrative line of work, which main purpose might be typing test. but when i was challenged to produced a document where students' ICT skills would be boost. the lesson turn out to be good because students were enthusiastic about using some of the tools associated with a word processor. Due to the positive feedback it motivated me to allow students to participate in activities of a similar nature.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Activity 1

This activity was rather enlighting because personally I never examined the roles of a teacher on the 7 highlighted dimensions.  But being enriched with such information has opened my eyes to the reality that teachers play a very important role in the lives of each child with in the classroom.

grand welcome

hi my name is shameca