Monday 9 December 2013

mod 4 activity 6-7

These activities were rather time consuming but the previous activity laid the foundation for the activity to follow.

Module 4 activity 5

this activity was rather enlightening because from time to time as a teacher i would search the internet for various rubrics and checklists to use as a form of classroom. By formulating a our own checklists and rubrics to check the validity and authenticity of the assessments tools which we use on a regular basis. By doing so it felt good being able to devise an acceptable standard which can be followed. by taking some 
 When doing so, consider to whom the assessment tool is directed. Is it personal and informative. Consider the amount of detail provided in the criteria. Is it sufficient to provide constructive advice for improving a skill? How would you improve each assessment tool so that it fulfills your requirements for a good assessment tool?

Module 4 activity 4

This activity was fairly good and simple to produce

Module 4 activity 3 -

At the end of this activity I had a slightly different perspective which regards to students interaction and learning in the classroom. I became more aware of students strengths and weaknesses in the classroom arena which in turn lent itself the opportunity for differentiated teaching as well as, different assessment forms. also This would promote and encourage students work in groups and to take advantage of the strengths of the team members in order to produce the best possible results.

Module 4 activity 2

 the activity which was based on Assessment of one classroom practices really showed me the many ways in which assessment of students learning can be capitalized. some of which are as follows: we can assess:
-cooperative skills
-ability to analyze and explain information to their peers
-use of technology
-oral comprehension skills
This really made me realize that the meer paper and pencil test which teachers are accustomed to can limited students fields of excelling.