Tuesday 9 December 2014

MOdule 6 Activity 7

I've learnt that webquest can be a very good way to get students of different cognitive levels. At each part students would be actively engaged. And i like how web quests promote stronger group partnership because for one area to be completed or strength the person before must complete the required pieces.

These six parts of a web quest which should be done step by step. Bear in mind at all the stages of the web quest students are required to be guided ans supervised.
  1.         Introduction- which must grab the audience interest
  2.        Task- being doable or possible and interesting
  3.       Information sources -are embedded in the webquest document  learner not being left to wonder
  4.      Process- description of the procedure the learners should go through which is clearly stated as to accomplish the task.
  5.  Guidance- as to the compilation of information acquired 
  6.   Conclusion:- this brings closure to the

Module 6 Activity 5

On the first time i tried formulating the curriculum framing questions, I did not get it correct when after rereading the information i managed to formulate something substantial. I liked this activity because it linked me to really analyse my curriculum and showed me how I should be able to use my objectives for activities i wish to give my students.

Monday 8 December 2014

MOdule 6 activity 3

This activity was a bit challenging to me at first because i had not recently taught any project so i had to  examine my classroom topic in order to get something ff the ground.

one project idea that i like was done by ms caine.

This topic to me is not a topic that teachers normally pick up and run with. i like this topic because it actively engages students in a simple but in depth Experiment in other to find out whether or not  mould grows more quickly in warm conditions than in cold.

students process skills are been developed in this project since they are required to apart of whats going on. some Process Skills: planning, hypothesizing, observing, recording, measuring, explaining and evaluating are initiated. 
In this project the students of grade six wanted to test the hypothesis that mould grows more quickly in warm conditions than in cold. They decided to use similar slices of banana for their experiment. They knew that some moulds are dangerous so they placed the banana into closed plastic bags which they could throw away afterwards. 

MOdule 6 activity 1

Though the activity entailed a great deal of reading it was informative in the end. I gained information in relation to project based learning. some reading points that stood out are as follows

Benefits of project-based learning:

 Greater control over what and how they(students) learn – Teachers set parameters for each project and the students are free to propose their own ideas, pending their teacher’s approval. A sense of educational ownership – Because they have greater control over what and how they learn, students often feel more invested and responsible for their work.

 Project-based learning also makes it easier for students to learn at a pace that’s comfortable for them. Acquisition of complex, real-world skills – Project-based learning teaches students about teamwork, critical thinking, communication, decision-making, time management, public speaking, organization, social behavior and more. An audience with their teachers – The traditional classroom lecture model is all about listening. The teacher lectures and the students absorb. A key advantage of project-based learning is that each student has more one-on-one time with their instructors to ask questions and share ideas.