Tuesday 9 December 2014

MOdule 6 Activity 7

I've learnt that webquest can be a very good way to get students of different cognitive levels. At each part students would be actively engaged. And i like how web quests promote stronger group partnership because for one area to be completed or strength the person before must complete the required pieces.

These six parts of a web quest which should be done step by step. Bear in mind at all the stages of the web quest students are required to be guided ans supervised.
  1.         Introduction- which must grab the audience interest
  2.        Task- being doable or possible and interesting
  3.       Information sources -are embedded in the webquest document  learner not being left to wonder
  4.      Process- description of the procedure the learners should go through which is clearly stated as to accomplish the task.
  5.  Guidance- as to the compilation of information acquired 
  6.   Conclusion:- this brings closure to the

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