Monday 8 December 2014

MOdule 6 activity 1

Though the activity entailed a great deal of reading it was informative in the end. I gained information in relation to project based learning. some reading points that stood out are as follows

Benefits of project-based learning:

 Greater control over what and how they(students) learn – Teachers set parameters for each project and the students are free to propose their own ideas, pending their teacher’s approval. A sense of educational ownership – Because they have greater control over what and how they learn, students often feel more invested and responsible for their work.

 Project-based learning also makes it easier for students to learn at a pace that’s comfortable for them. Acquisition of complex, real-world skills – Project-based learning teaches students about teamwork, critical thinking, communication, decision-making, time management, public speaking, organization, social behavior and more. An audience with their teachers – The traditional classroom lecture model is all about listening. The teacher lectures and the students absorb. A key advantage of project-based learning is that each student has more one-on-one time with their instructors to ask questions and share ideas.

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